

Guideline - First Round

Date and Time:

Live—US Regional Round

*San Francisco-Tentatively on June 7th at San Francisco Conservatory of Music

*Dallas - Tentatively on May 26th at Royal Music

*New York - Tentatively on June 7th at New York City College

*Boston - Tentatively on June 7th at TBA

Online First Round

*Video Recording Submitted by May 1, 2025.

*The online first round is for contestants who are unable to participate in the regional in-person competition. However, all selected finalists (online & regional) will be invited to San Francisco for the final round.

Final Round Location:

Live: San Francisco Conservatory of Music, San Francisco, CA, USA


In-person: The result will be released on the day right after each category’s competition.

Online: The result will be released on June 10th, 2024.

First round Award:

First Prize Winners (90-100 points) from each category will be invited to participate in the Final Round of the competition on August 6th - 7th, 2025.

Second Prize Winners (85-89 points) from each category will be invited to perform in the Competition Honor Concert at San Francisco Conservatory of Music in August


Applicants should select the correct age group on the application form that corresponds to their age as of August 7th, 2025.

Kindly review our repertoire sheet, and include requirements below.

Free choice of repertoire up to the time limit. Longer repertoire might be cut during the live performance. Program from the first round may be repeated in the final round.

All pieces must be performed by memory. The deadline for first round program changes is May 15th, 2025. The pieces may be performed with or without repeats, at competitor’s decision.

Please click to check Official Regulations & Rules.

Professional Artists (Age 19-32) contestants, please click here for your detailed application instructions.

Guideline - Final Round

Date and Time:

August 6th-7th, 2025 in San Francisco


San Francisco Conservatory of Music 

All finalists are required to perform live in the final round; video recordings will not be accepted.

Other Details:

All pieces must be performed by memory. 

No repertoire changes will be permitted after July 15th, 2026. 

The pieces may be performed with or without repeats, at the Competitor’s discretion.​

The decisions of the Competition Committee and the Competition jury are final in all matters. 


Applicants should select the correct age group on the application form that corresponds to their age as of August 7, 2025.

Kindly review our repertoire sheet, and include requirements below. Final round application fees will be applied after the announcement of the 1st round results.

Free choice of repertoire up to the time limit. Longer repertoire might be cut during the live performance. Program from the first round may be repeated in the final round.

All pieces must be performed by memory. The deadline for final round program changes is July 15th, 2025. The pieces may be performed with or without repeats, at competitor’s decision.

Please click to check Official Regulations & Rules.